How to enable cookies on your device

Safari Browser (including iPhone/iPad/iPod touch)

  1. From your Home screen, go to Settings > Safari.
  2. For iOS 7: set Block Cookies to Never.
  3. For iOS 6 and below: set Accept Cookies to Always.
  4. Close and restart your browser.

Android Browser (all device types)

  1. Open the Browser.
  2. Go to Menu > Settings > Privacy & security. Or, go to Menu > More > Settings and find "Privacy settings."
  3. Make sure Accept Cookies is checked or switched On.
  4. Close and restart your browser.

BlackBerry Browser

  1. Open the Browser.
  2. Push the BlackBerry button, and then select Settings.
  3. Tap Privacy and Security and ensure the Accept Cookies option is On.
  4. Close and restart your browser.